Infosites Yeast Infection | | |
The Causes of Yeast Infections Jan 23rd 2012, 07:30 Just as there are several varieties of yeast infections, so are there several causes of yeast infection. Some causes are obvious and some harder to understand. However, most anyone who has had a yeast infection will want to know why. When men have a penile yeast infection, there is usually only one cause. They have had unprotected sex with a partner who has a vaginal infection. Long-term partners may sometimes pass yeast infections back and forth almost indefinitely unless both are treated at the same time. For women with vaginal infections, there are a multitude of causes of yeast infections. Some have to do with the acidity of the vagina and vaginal area. If the acidity in the vagina is too low, yeast will take hold and grow beyond a healthy level and cause an infection. Many things effect vaginal acidity. Some of these things are naturally thought of as part of the function of the vagina itself. They include menstruation and pregnancy. Some have to do with unusual strains on the body such as stress, sickness, or lack of sleep. Medications like birth control pills, steroids, and especially antibiotics can have an effect. If a person has an HIV infection, yeast infection is just another they will have trouble fighting off. Uncontrolled diabetes can also change the acidity of the vagina. Any of these problems can be some of the causes of yeast infection. Babies often acquire yeast infections during birth. As they go through the birth canal they may pick up yeast bacteria from their mother. If this does not happen, they may soon end up with a yeast infection from contact with family members. Babies’ immune systems are not fully developed, so this becomes a more serious problem for them than it would for others. The causes of vaginal infection in older babies and toddlers often have to do with the warm, moist environment that is favored by yeast infections. Diapers give these infections an ideal setting in which to thrive. These children can also get thrush, a yeast infection of the mouth, and it can travel through the digestive system to the diaper area. Thrush is often caused by the use of antibiotics and may be further fostered by practices such as thumb sucking. The only thing that can be done in any of these instances besides treatment after the fact is to use good diaper-changing habits and try to discourage thumb sucking. So, what are the causes of vaginal infection? They are different depending on who has the yeast infection and on what environmental factors he or she was exposed to. The important thing is to identify the source to try to prevent future occurrences | |
Leadership – A People Oriented Approach Jan 23rd 2012, 07:15 Much is said and written about the characteristics of “Leadership.” Clearly, the effective leader possesses both skill and talent and these ingredients are wrapped in personality traits and characteristics. Some leadership styles work in certain conditions and not in others. One of the Key Ingredients to effective leadership is the consistent focus on “talented employees.” One of our core principles for managers and executives is that they Plan well, Delegate effectively and manage the execution of work through others. Taken together and performed well, they can result in effective leadership. The engine that drives these principles is the PEOPLE in the business unit. In the fast paced, performance drive world of business, the “People Factor” I more important than ever. With high unemployment and limited job opportunities it certainly is a buyer’s market for talent. There are three considerations for leadership in managing the People-Factor. Elevate Only the Best – Nothing sends a message to the business team as clearly as “who gets promoted.” If any criteria, other than who are best for the position, is used, the fiber and culture of the business unit is weakened. Aspiring employees will see those promoted ahead of them as “THE” role model for success and advancement in the organization. Understand this…people know! They know if the person being promoted is not the most qualified or if politics, favoritism or anything less than the best person for the job underlies the promotion. Communicating Expectations – When a person is promoted to a position of authority and responsibility, the manager makes the expectations crystal clear. They leave nothing to chance. Even if the position being filled is known to all, the manager re-states the expectations. They let every member of the team know what is expected of this position, why the promoted person was chosen and clearly describes the manager’s confidence in this person’s ability. The manager is careful to define the limits and breadth of the promoted person’s authority and control. Commitment To Developing Talent – Organizations and leaders who consistently work to develop their people infuse the organization with bench-strength and a positive environment. Where people have been trained and developed, the best people rise to the occasion. When they are promoted, it is clear to everyone that they have acquired and implemented the skills and knowhow for the job. People feel energized by improving and adding new knowledge and ability to their talents. The organization has a team better prepared for the challenges that may come. Execution of important work assignments is supported by the hoarse-power of a well developed business unit. Technical abilities and technology know-how enriched through training and development give rise to a high-powered business unit. Leadership is about many things. It is most certainly about the People orientation. The organization with the best people, executing the best plans with work delegated effectively and managed for speed and quality of execution will be the ultimate winners. Managers need to take a close look at their people orientation. Not just lip service but real focused organizational commitment to building the best people. Get the right people on your business bus, consistently develop the best people and get the wrong people off your business bus…management and leadership depend on this more than ever. | |
Type 2 Diabetes – The Effect Of Low Levels of Vitamin D On Arteries In People With Diabetes Jan 20th 2012, 23:50 Type 2 diabetics tend to have low levels of vitamin D. According to an article published in the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, October 2011, that deficiency could have serious consequences for the heart and arteries of people with Type 2 diabetes. The study, conducted at The Catholic University of Korea in Seoul, included 305 people 30 years of age or older diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Almost 86 per cent suffered a vitamin D deficiency. Those with the lowest levels of vitamin D showed stiffness of their arteries. The investigators concluded that a vitamin D deficiency could be involved in the heart and blood vessel disease seen in Type 2 diabetics. How vitamin D might function in keeping the blood vessels supple remains a question for further research to answer. It is known to help regulate calcium circulating through the blood vessels and in keeping a balance of minerals between the bones and the rest of the body. It is also involved in cell growth, reduces inflammation, plays a role in the interactions of nerves and muscles, and helps the immune system to fight disease. Diabetics are at high risk for: coronary artery disease, heart attacks, high blood sugar, stroke, and peripheral artery disease, all related to unhealthy arteries. Two thirds of diabetics die from heart disease and stroke. The American Diabetes Association recommends adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, keeping blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol under control. And don’t forget the vitamin D. The United States Department of Agriculture recommends a dietary allowance of 600 International Units (IU) or 15 micrograms per day of vitamin D for adults. The normal blood level of vitamin D is from 20 to 50 nanograms per milliliter. Just so you know, some of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include: muscle aches, muscle weakness, fatigue, and bone pain. In most people, the majority of their vitamin D supply is made when their skin is exposed to sunlight, then stored in fats and released as needed. Sunscreens, although important for preventing skin cancer, can also prevent vitamin D from being made… so 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure per day without a sunscreen with a SPF rating higher than 8, is a good idea. The vitamin can also be obtained in cereals, soy milk, rice milk, and fruit juices fortified with vitamin D and in supplements. One cup of fortified soy milk provides 114 IU of vitamin D, and a cup of fortified orange juice provides 142 IU. The best kind of soy milk is the unflavored kind, because it has a lower sugar content. Check the labels on commercial cereals since they vary widely as to how much vitamin D they contain. Avoid those that list refined sugars or fats. Most multivitamin supplements have 400 IU, or two-thirds the recommended daily allowance. If pouring soy milk over breakfast cereal doesn’t sound too interesting, try making smoothies with soy milk for a yummy way of getting some vitamin D. recommends making a smoothie with plain soy milk, strawberries or raspberries, artificial sweetener, banana, and vanilla or almond extract. has a recipe for a soymilk blueberry smoothie that also includes soy yogurt, banana, psyllium powder, and a little honey or agave syrup. | |
How to Motivate People Jan 19th 2012, 20:28 Learning how to motivate people is a useful skill whether you need to apply it at home or in the workplace. Mastering this is a skill that has been used by many successful leaders throughout time and it’s a practice that will no doubt be required and studied continuously through future years. But how do you motivate anyone? How can you keep people inspired and moving forward? I want to take you back to a time when you were a young student at school, perhaps in your teens. Now I want you to think of a teacher that really got the best out of you, a teacher of a lesson that you enjoyed attending, a teacher of a subject where you actually studied hard. I can bet my bottom dollar that the very teacher your thinking of was positive, upbeat but more importantly gave you lots of positive praise on all of your work, whatever it’s grade or standard.. Now think of the opposite, a teacher who you disliked and a lesson that you simply didn’t enjoy. It’s safe to say that 9 times out of 10 this teacher wasn’t very forthcoming with positive praise and only managed a little when you did something outstanding.. Which one motivated you more? The one with the praise, right? Well that’s the first tip and perhaps the best tip of them all. If you want to get someone geared up, then give them lots of praise and encouragement. Be positive when they do something right and be positive when they mess up! One advancement for this tip that works incredibly well in the workplace is to give someone praise publicly. A pat on the back or simple recognition in front of colleagues and peers is worth tenfold of that given in public. To keep people interested and inspired also requires an interesting oxymoron, ok so this is my own oxymoron but it works. Here goes, give people Controlled Freedom! What this means is that if you give someone a clear task with clear goals you are keeping some kind of control. Well do that but then give them the freedom and space to work on this task, give them the freedom to disagree and make suggestions. Providing a goal and then letting people work on their own inspired ideas enables them to feel like they’re not only contributing to an objective, but they are being given a valued opportunity to use their initiative. You have shown respect, they will really appreciate this and you’re going to get one highly motivated individual! | |
People With Diabetes Can Benefit From Ubiquinol COQ10 Jan 13th 2012, 20:54 Living with diabetes is a challenge, especially for kids and teens. Diabetes is a disease that requires attention to specific aspects of health and diet on a daily basis. It’s 24/7, no weekends off. It is a situation which is possible to survive after some education and some common sense actions. Living with diabetes is a challenge, but kids and teens often have special issues to deal with. It can be a mind game. It can be hard especially for teenagers and young adults. It can be very demanding and some patients lose motivation over time to eat right and take care of themselves to eliminate further illness. How People with Diabetes can Benefit from Ubiquinol coq10 Record has shown that patients with diabetes (Type 2 diabetes) possess about seventy five percent less natural ubiquinol in their bodies than those without diabetes. As the reduced form of coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol coq10 can improve heart health and blood sugar. Also it helps manage high blood pressure and cholesterol level in people with diabetes. As we all know, heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are common problems related with diabetes. Ubiquinol is basically the reduced and active form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ-10), hence it is known as ubiquinol coq10. CoQ-10 (Coenzyme Q10) is a vital nutrient that each and every cell in human body must possess so as to impeccably produce energy. Before now, most available CoQ-10 supplements on the market proffered the ubiquinone form of CoQ-10. But in order for the body to appropriately utilize this ubiquinone (standard CoQ-10), it has to be converted to the active antioxidant form known as ubiquinol coq10. Ubiquinol is the commonest form of CoQ-10 present in human organs, tissues as well as cells. It is naturally produced in human body and is highly absorbable. It has been confirmed that ubiquinone serves as an essential supplement for people that wish to maintain good health in their twenties and thirties. But this chemical is very important for people in their forties and above and also those with hindered ability to convert coenzyme Q10 (CoQ-10) especially those with neurological, cardiovascular, liver and diabetes related conditions. Ubiquinol coq10 has been studied since it was discovered in the year 1957, also it has been on the market since the year 2006. It comprises of antioxidant actions and heart health benefits. Benefits of ubiquinol coq10 Being the most absorb-able and reduced form of CoQ-10, ubiquinol coq10 has all the powerful benefits related with coenzyme Q10 that have been established over the past thirty years. In addition, as a result of its significant role in energy production process in the body, it increases energy and general well-being in human most especially people that can’t effectively convert coemzyme Q10 into ubiquinol. It has been established that people who are in their forties and above or those suffering from age-related conditions can highly benefit from ubiquinol coq10 rather those who are still young. So if you have diabetes, it would be wise of you to talk to your/a physician or registered dietitian before taking coenzyme Q10 in order to avoid any form of contradiction with diabetes medication. | |
Getting People Back to Work And Saving the Planet Jan 7th 2012, 17:44 There is a new form of activism that I have been engaging in that could be the key to putting people back to work and heal the earth. It is called “permaculture”. Permaculture is about caring for the earth, for each other and the future of our children It’s about restoring the “nature of all living beings” to a way that nature was intended for. It is about modeling our communities, food production systems and energy sources according to the way nature works. It is a way to grow our economy in a practical way that will support us and the earth. It is not a new concept, but what was practiced when it people had to depend on their own self-reliance for food and shelter without the technology that we have today.. I believe we need a new form of activism to turn around the economy and create peace and harmony for our families, communities and the world. Changing our front lawns in to a garden would get the attention of our neighbors, who would be coming over to see what we are doing. This becomes a teachable moment and before you can blink an eye; others will be following in your footsteps. It also a tool to build community and soon the neighborhood can become a sustainable place to live in that provides for the needs of it families living there. Permaculture gives us a new perspective on how we can regenerate life from the challenge of climate change to creating new jobs. It can all begin with simply putting in a garden, making our homes more energy efficiency by ultilizing the sun and wind, conserving rain water off our roofs and managing its flow on the land; and sharing with our neighbors and communities resources without duplicating them. Permaculture is a new design for living using the simple principle that all living beings on the earth are connected to one another. It is a form of acting with nature even in the smallest way. Permaculture is a way to build self-sufficient communities, reducing our reliance on industrial systems to provide for our needs. It creates living systems according to the patterns seen in nature and cuts out waste. “It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. Without permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order.”Mollison 1988 | |
Why Are People Choosing TEFL? Jan 14th 2012, 20:35 There has been a surge of interest in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses recently. TEFL used to be considered as something that students would do during a gap year, as an opportunity to see the world and earn a bit of money at the same time. But now it is being enquired about by a variety of different people in different positions. With Britain in a state of gloominess, it seems that lots of people, pushed by redundancy and job cuts, are looking for an alternative career path. So, what are the benefits of TEFL? - TEFL is not just a good opportunity to earn money, but a great opportunity to explore the world, not just visiting a country but being a part of the culture and helping to shape a part of the community there. You will meet amazing new people teaching English and it can be an extremely positive experience. - Teaching abroad gives you the opportunity to discover places that you have always dreamed of visiting and making a living at the same time. -If you are living in another country you will have the chance to learn a new language. Whilst it is not a requirement of a TEFL teacher to know the native language, it can be a helpful skill. - Teaching English as a foreign language will enhance your teaching skills, even if you are a teacher already, learning a different approach to teaching will benefit your skills and give you fresh ideas. Adapting your skills and teaching a foreign language will give you valuable experience for any working environment. -TEFL courses are fun and a great way to learn and do something special. -The qualification will enhance your C.V. and impress potential employers. If you are interested in Teaching English as a foreign Language, it is good to know what is what, as there are many confusing acronyms to understand and there are many different teacher training courses on the market. Here are the key acronyms to get your head around: - Trinity Cert. TESOL, which is Teaching English to speakers of other languages. TESOL is one of two internationally recognized courses.. -CELTA, which stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, the second internationally recognized course. -TEFL is an umbrella term for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. -EFL means, English as a foreign language and ELT is English language teaching. | |
Why Do People Buy Moroccan Lamps? Jan 10th 2012, 01:15 If you don’t really know what Moroccan lamps look like, you could check out the many online stores that sell Moroccan products. Now this will depend on your own personal taste as certain people may not like the design or look of these lamps. Then again, there are those who simply fall in love with the rustic look of these lamps. Used For Decoration Some home owners may prefer to use these lamps as decoration in their homes. So they may not use them as often as the normal lights. Perhaps only during certain occasions or maybe when they are having guests over. Since some of these Moroccan lamps are able to give out soft, warm translucent lighting, people who are stressed will find the lighting comforting when they wish to relax. If you’re planning to decorate your home, get a few of these lamps to place in your house. Perhaps a table lamp for the study or one to place on the coffee table? Main Lighting Then there are people who like the look of Moroccan chandeliers since they are quite unique. These will be used as the main lighting in the hall or dining room but requires a room with some space. Placing these chandeliers in a small sized room will not be quite ideal. Home owners who happen to have plenty of space and large rooms will enjoy getting these Moroccan chandeliers to provide the main lighting for those rooms. Some are made from tiny pieces of colored glass which are painstakingly put together by skillful workmanship. In fact, some prefer the traditional Moroccan lamps that are made of brass which they could hang from the ceiling. Cultural And Beautiful Those who love cultural and historical items will love to have these lamps and chandeliers in their homes as they are artistically beautiful. Not only that but because most of them are made of brass, they do not rust easily and could withstand the weather. Some could be placed outside the house as an outdoor hanging or wall lantern. They bring a certain character and feel to the home which most owners enjoy. It’s no wonder that many people like to buy these Moroccan lamps for their homes. Summary So if you’re looking for one or even a few for your home, you could have a look at the selection that is available online. Just make sure that they are genuine and you can check that with the sellers. Have a good one! | |
Why People Use Me? Jan 7th 2012, 00:06 This is a very common question asked by many people in this world because many people at some part of their life felt as being used by other humans. This is common story in this world. A girlfriend feel used by a boy friend, a wife feel used by her husband, a son may feel used by parents or a friend may feel used by other friends. Humans are really selfish in their motives and can go up to any extent to fulfill them. It is easy to exploit emotions of another human being and use him or her as per own desires, then to do the same hard work himself. People who are highly skilled in human emotion try to create false conditions in front of other humans (prays) which look so convincing to the pray that it starts working as per the direction of this person. Some people use their sweet voice, some use their emotions and some use their psychological skills to make others convinced with them. These people not only convince us what slowly starts changing our behavior as per their need. Due to this a good person may starts behaving like a bad person. The person whose behavior is altered by other person mostly does not know it or if able to know it then it is mostly after a long period of time. Some people in this world are so clever or so good actors that they easily create false conditions in front of us which are enough to convince us. These people are so expert in lying that a truth speaking people will look lying in front of them. Moreover these people know our weakness and use them to make us convince with them. The other major problem with this issue is that many people exploit their life by becoming puppet in the hand of these people. Due to their effect people forget about right and wrong and so commit wrong deeds which are damaging for them. This way is very popular and widely used way to remove enemies because it does not create any responsibility on them and most of time enemy themselves lives the way for them. Be cautious if some one is using you it can be anyone or even you yourself. | |
Ordinary People Can Be Extraordinary Role Models Jan 18th 2012, 07:00 Media today is unconstrained when it comes to showering images and messages upon our children about how they should act, dress and who they should look up to. Even Disney productions for children, such as Hannah Montana, which any parent would assume would be a good thing for their children to view, has Hannah unable to comprehend the word “no” and dresses at times like a baby pro. These shows do come with an attempt at sending a valuable lesson, the pictorials and story line are the messages they are sending loudest and clearest. The message is that all children should strive to look and act like a movie star. Kids have always needed a role model to look up to, someone who sets a genuine, good example for them to follow. Of course, TV stars and rock stars are more popular, and are certainly in everyone’s face with TV news and tabloids and the like, but they do not set the ideal example for our kids. Kids need to be aware that they are surrounded by ordinary examples of heroism in firefighters and police officers. These are the people they should take as role models. Police officers and firefighters are generally everyday people, but to those whose lives they have saved and/or made better, they are far more than regular folks, they are unforgettable heroes. These courageous public servants dedicate years of their lives to keeping our country and its population safe. Their efforts make huge differences in the lives of countless people. When many of these officers and firefighter leave the force, they look for another way to serve the public, since public service is such a part of their personal makeup. One outlet for utilizing their training and experience is to produce emergency vehicles for the government. These emergency vehicles include trailers such as FEMA trailers, SWAT vehicles, mobile crime labs, and more. Without such vehicles our country would not be able to assist victims nearly as well. While a life spent working on the police force or fire station can be a career and life well spent for many, the step to create emergency vehicles takes a life well spent a step even further. Activities such as this are more than enough to classify any one of these men and women as a home town hero. There are others who can classify themselves as heroes for very different reasons. These individuals are also very apt to be engaged in charitable giving that over the years has made a tremendous difference in people’s lives. They have supported children in Africa, various charities in their own communities and many children’s care and research facilities. True, they cannot cure cancer or provide everything people may need, but they make a huge dent in easing the suffering of others and in encouraging others to do the same. The ideal role model doesn’t have to be a TV star you see everyday or an item you read about regularly in the tabloids. As people like police officers and firefighters have shown us so well, it is often the ordinary, everyday people who are ones we should look up to, the one’s who really make the best role models. The real role models for our children should be someone who gives it their best every day, and this is what these ordinary heroes do every single day of | |
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